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Sexual health
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3 min read
Anatomy and functions of the pelvic floor
Too many people have limited knowledge about the pelvic floor and its purpose, often associating it solely with urine leakage or childbirth. However, the truth is that the pelvic floor encompasses much more than that. In this article, we will simplify the complex concepts of pelvic floor anatomy, functions, and mechanisms of action. Our goal is to make it easier for you to understand and appreciate the importance of this vital structure.
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3 min read
The pelvic floor made simple with one image
Now that we have explored the anatomy and functions of the pelvic floor, let's reinforce this concept using a simple analogy. By the end of this article, you will have a crystal clear image of the pelvic floor, leaving no room for uncertainty or confusion.
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3 min read
Turn on the automatic mode of your pelvic floor
You may have been training your pelvic floor wrong this whole time! One-size-fits-all exercises can't unlock the full potential of your pelvic floor. This article will discuss why tailoring your training is crucial to target your specific needs. You will also learn about the Knack, the alternative to doing Kegels forever, that will make your pelvic floor work automatically!
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4 min read
How pelvic floor training protects you from incontinence
Discover your pelvic floor's vital role in maintaining bladder and bowel control. Learn how to care for it effectively to prevent unintentional leakage. This article will explore the mechanisms behind continence, define incontinence, highlight its impact on women's lives, and emphasise the importance of targeted solutions.
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7 min read
The truth about having a tight pelvic floor
A hypertonic or overactive pelvic floor (distinct from an overactive bladder) results from the buildup of excessive tension within the muscles. In this situation, the pelvic floor can also be referred to as "tight", which is often wrongly believed to be a good thing. This article will debunk this myth and shed light on the misconceptions surrounding this topic. Delving into the consequences of such a condition, we will also explore the common errors that can lead to a hypertonic pelvic floor and provide effective and practical strategies to address it.
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4 min read
Breathing with your pelvic floor and the connection with the core
Did you know that your pelvic floor is a key component of your core and a breathing muscle? If this statement surprises you, keep reading to explore the intriguing connection! In this article, we will delve into the anatomy of the core and biomechanics of breathing. We will also discuss different breathing patterns, their effects on the pelvic floor, and the benefits of practising diaphragmatic breathing.
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3 min read
Breathing for your pelvic floor and the connection with stress
While it is well known that stress can have a detrimental impact on your overall health, have you ever considered its effects on your pelvic floor? This article will explore how your nervous system toggles between two modes to manage your body's functions. We will uncover what happens in your pelvic floor when this equilibrium is disrupted due to stress. We will also delve into the effectiveness of breathing exercises in stimulating your vagus nerve to regulate your nervous system and restore this balance.
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7 min read
When the bladder is out of control: urges and frequent urination
When addressing pelvic health, our focus often fixates solely on the pelvic floor, inadvertently overlooking the state of the pelvic organs. But what happens when the bladder stops relaying information accurately or functioning optimally? What is the link between having to pee very often and the pelvic floor? This article aims to demystify the intricacies of the bladder's physiology and storage capacity. We will delve into the disruptive behaviours and irritants that can contribute to conditions like high urinary frequency, overactive bladder (sometimes known as small bladder syndrome), and urge incontinence. Moreover, we will explore effective and practical strategies to address these issues and describe the role of neuroplasticity in implementing these solutions.
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6 min read
Rise above the pressure: Reinforce your pelvic support system!
Discover the vital importance of the pelvic floor's support function, a topic often neglected but essential for optimal pelvic health. This article will give you insights into caring for your pelvic floor, effectively preventing problems associated with an impaired support system. Armed with this knowledge, you can proactively reduce the risk of issues such as pelvic organ prolapse and perineum descent.
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