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Turning high-end pelvic floor therapy into accessible health care.
Ready to discover the unique needs of your pelvic floor and receive custom guidance for lifelong pelvic health?
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Made by a pelvic health therapist
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At every life stage and with any state of pelvic health.
The widespread of pelvic floor disorders is not a fatality.
of women experience some form of pelvic floor dysfunction in their lifetime.
of every women are affected by urinary incontinence.
of women may experience some degree of pelvic organ prolapse in their lifetime.
of women experience sexual dysfunction related to pelvic floor disorders.
It doesn’t have to be your present nor your future!
Find out what your pelvic floor really needs to not become one of these statistics.
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Reclaim your confidence and well-being by overcoming pelvic health issues.
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Protect your pelvic health and safeguard your future vitality with prevention.
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Rediscover comfort and freedom with renewed pelvic health.
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What our users say about us...
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Very good app! This app is really worth it if you are struggling with pelvic floor problems.
~ Melindie Wait (US Play Store)
For the last decade, I've been using the bathroom close to 20 times a day… I thought I had tried everything, but bladder training was the missing piece! The exercises have really helped me avoid leaking before getting to the toilet, and now I can finally control my urges!! Thank you x1000!
~ Lilyallen 1313 (US Play Store)
I was really skeptical at first, but my program worked wonders for me! I tried Kegels before, but they actually made my pelvic pain worse. Shifting my focus to relaxing my pelvic floor has made such a difference. I can't recommend it enough!!!
~ Narjisse C (UK App Store)
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Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to groundwork with your program!
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Tailored & Evolutive
Achieve superior quality healthcare. Don't waste your time, hope, and effort on exercises that don't match your unique needs as they evolve.
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Comprehensive & Holistic
Address every aspect of pelvic health with a wide selection of therapeutic options, offering much more than just Kegels!
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For now & years to come
Take control of your health now. Address current concerns and proactively prevent future potential issues!
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Empowering & Woman-centered
Step into your power and make informed decisions about your pelvic health to reconnect with your body and intimate well-being.
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Evidence-based Expertise
Break free from the maze of confusing online information. Rely on our expertise to craft the perfect program for you.
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Innovative & Intuitive
Experience pelvic floor therapy from the comfort of your home. With your tailored program, self-care becomes easy.
For a better future for women!
We strive to revolutionise and democratise pelvic health to empower women worldwide with tailored solutions for their problems. We are determined to dispel myths, eliminate confusion, and promote greater awareness to break down the stigma surrounding this topic.
We believe all women deserve proper care, guidance and resources to ensure and promote long-term pelvic health. We are dedicated to making this vision a reality for each and every woman, providing unwavering support every step of the way.
Be confident with the right information at your fingertips
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7 min read
The truth about having a tight pelvic floor
A hypertonic or overactive pelvic floor (distinct from an overactive bladder) results from the buildup of excessive tension within the muscles. In this situation, the pelvic floor can also be referred to as "tight", which is often wrongly believed to be a good thing. This article will debunk this myth and shed light on the misconceptions surrounding this topic. Delving into the consequences of such a condition, we will also explore the common errors that can lead to a hypertonic pelvic floor and provide effective and practical strategies to address it.
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3 min read
Turn on the automatic mode of your pelvic floor
You may have been training your pelvic floor wrong this whole time! One-size-fits-all exercises can't unlock the full potential of your pelvic floor. This article will discuss why tailoring your training is crucial to target your specific needs. You will also learn about the Knack, the alternative to doing Kegels forever, that will make your pelvic floor work automatically!
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3 min read
The pelvic floor made simple with one image
Now that we have explored the anatomy and functions of the pelvic floor, let's reinforce this concept using a simple analogy. By the end of this article, you will have a crystal clear image of the pelvic floor, leaving no room for uncertainty or confusion.
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Do I need equipment to use the app?

No, you don’t need any equipment other than your phone. You can do your exercises anywhere, anytime.

Why should I use the app if I don’t have any pelvic health complaints or symptoms?

Even if you don't currently have any pelvic health complaints or symptoms, using the app can still be beneficial. It helps you prevent the development of potential issues later in life by assessing your risk factors and providing valuable information about pelvic floor health.
Additionally, the app offers a wealth of knowledge to help you understand your anatomy better, prepare for future life stages, and adopt healthy habits that can protect you in the long term against the most common pelvic floor dysfunctions.

Is it relevant to take care of my pelvic floor if I have never been pregnant?

Yes! Anyone would benefit from taking care of their pelvic floor. While pregnancy often brings attention to this area of the body, it's important to recognize that pelvic health is relevant for everyone, regardless of pregnancy history. Many factors, such as aging, hormonal changes, physical activity, digestive issues, and unhealthy habits, can affect the state of your pelvic floor

How many times a week should I use the app for effective results?

The frequency of app usage depends on your current situation and goals. However, more is not always better. That's why a suggested frequency will be available in your program to guide you and better suit your individual case.

How long before I start noticing results?

On average, you should start seeing some changes after 3 weeks and significant improvement after 6 weeks if you are consistent with your program.

How long does it take to eliminate pelvic floor issues with the use of the Ground Floor app?

Every case is different, and ultimately, it depends on your starting point, your end goals, and how compliant you are with your program. On average, most users experience satisfaction after 3 months of consistent use.

Can I take the pelvic health check-up multiple times? Will I lose my progress if I take it again?

Yes, you can take the pelvic health check-up multiple times if you wish. Your progress will be tracked, and your program will be adapted to the latest assessment while retaining information from previous check-ups. You'll also have access to the history of all your check-ups for reference.

Take your free pelvic floor check-up!
Take your free pelvic floor check-up!green arrow
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